Your Alzheimer's Community
If you know someone with Alzheimer's disease or have been diagnosed yourself, this is your community. grew out of the need to have a social network that will be a respite, a resource and a way to connect with others who share a common bond. Get authoritative, up-to-date resources and advice from professionals with expertise about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Featured Stories
September 21 Marks World Alzheimer's Day

The international campaign sponsored by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), "World Alzheimer's Day" is a global effort to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia.
Learn more about September 21, 2019, World Alzheimer’s Day, and how you can make a positive impact for a cure this month.
A Global Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease
The lack of awarene...
"Keeping Love Alive" Throughout Alzheimer's

In 1992, "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman took a leading role in changing relationships for the better. The idea that people receive and show love in different ways helped restore and revitalize relationships as people who read the book began to understand how to speak the other's "love language."
The love language concept is now being applied to the Alzheimer's caregiving...
10 Caregiver Tips for Traveling With Alzheimer's

Summer is just around the corner and for many of us, that means fun family vacations. These vacations can turn stressful, however, for caregivers who are traveling with a parent or senior loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.
Although it can be overwhelming, foresight and proper preparation make it possible. Learn more from these caregiver tips for traveling with Alzheimer’s...
Why Is Alzheimer's More Likely in Women?

It's no secret that women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Researchers previously attributed this to the longevity of women, but scientists are finding that there may be other contributing factors to the disease.
Learn more about the new studies and what may be causing more women to suffer from Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's Is More Likely in Women
While Al...
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